SKU 212569

Vileda Scourer Ultra Fresh X2

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2 Pcs
Subtotal: $1.33

This Vileda sponge is the world’s only completely anti-bacterial sponge scourer!

It is long lasting and designed to have a higher absorption capability. The Mid Foam Ultra Fresh Prevents bacteria growth on the abrasive to avoid bad smell.

Thanks to the silver ions and zinc pyrithione contained in the scouring pad, this Vileda sponge scourer offers 99% protection against microbial pathogens (as demonstrated by independent testing) as well as long-lasting freshness. The foam layer is extra absorbent and pleasant to the touch.

The Ultra Fresh Anti-Bacterial sponge scourer is made to be homemaker-approved, European standards of quality and durability.

To maximize the life of the product, Vileda recommends you allow the sponge to dry out completely after each use. For hygienic reasons, we also recommend changing sponges periodically.

Vileda Scourer Ultra Fresh X2

Vileda Scourer Ultra Fresh X2


Vileda Scourer Ultra Fresh X2


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