SKU 275942

Knorr Bechamel Mix, 75g, 2+1 Free

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75 cl
Subtotal: $0.77

Create an authentic lasagne or divinely creamy pasta with this fantastic bechamel sauce mix: creating the perfect dishes has never been so easy.

Bechamel will not take time after today with Knorr! Prepare it in 5 minutes, with Knorr Bechamel Mixes, 70g, just add a liter of milk and get bechamel to cook the best recipes. Knorr favorite recipe to all.

Natural ingredients.

Without preservatives.

Knorr Bechamel Mix, 75g, 2+1 Free

Knorr Bechamel Mix, 75g, 2+1 Free


Knorr Bechamel Mix, 75g, 2+1 Free


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